A classic with a twist
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The Nordstrom chain asked us to measure the effectiveness of their catalog. We found an innovative way to do this and at the same time created an interactive customer experience. We took a traditional medium like the print catalog and gave the customer a lot of additional options by using AR. The AR platform we developed allows mobile device users to their static tactile experience with a digital overlay. This contains 3D models, product videos and ordering information that help with purchasing decisions leading to a direct conversion through the app.
Over several years, we have helped our customers understand this exciting new medium. By combining great concepts and amazing visual content with a range of rapidly evolving technologies including IOS, Android, HoloLens & Magic Leap, our pioneering approach has led to some amazing AR experiences. Our internal team works with world-leading researchers, such as Cranfield University in the UK, to ensure we stay at the forefront of this exciting new medium.